Recycling Sorting Center (RSC)

The Recyclable Materials Collection Center (KDΑΥ) works by combining engineering-manual sorting methods. Mixed non-hazardous solid wastes or groups of materials are separated from the source and then batching the separated streams. Outgoing materials are characterized by greater clarity and therefore the specifications set by the material recycling industry can be achieved.
In conclusion, the effective operation of the KEDA is also the main comparative advantage of our company in relation to the common sorting units.


The design of a KEDA and the choice of equipment depends on:

From the quantities and composition of each feed fraction

From the raw material specifications of the recycling industry

KYDY plants only receive recyclable waste after sorting at source. The target materials of the screening programs at source in this case relate to all packaging materials from both the industry and the municipalities (blue bucket).


The form and manner of channeling the KDAY’s products for recycling depends on the market requirements in relation to the viability of the finishing methods. The kinds of end products that come from e.g. From the incoming paper stream, may include wrapping paper, mixed paper, cardboard, newspapers, and more. Usually bundled. The glass is separated by color, the aluminum boxes are delivered compressed or shredded, the plastics are disaggregated by type (PET, HDPE, PVC, LDPE, PP, PS etc.) or mixed, crushed or granulated, From one or more metals, etc.


The necessity to have a precision stage results from the heterogeneity of the incoming waste stream and the presence of extraneous matter. During the pre-conditioning stage, any batteries, paint containers, plastic films, etc. are removed. At this stage, however, the separation of bulky materials (eg cartons), which are easily detached from the rest, while limiting the problem of overloading the separation lines.

The basic separation of the recyclable materials from the incoming flows into the KDAD is done by skilled workers on elevated handwriting lines and the target materials are placed separately in suitable compartments. A series of conveyor systems is used to transport materials from their receiving point (unloading from collection vehicles) to various stages of processing. Stages include pre-separation, which is mainly for removal of extraneous materials, separation of ferrous materials by electromagnets and hand-picking. The target materials when filling their collection areas are driven to compactors – baler or crushers depending on the type of material and the requirements of the recycling industry.

Output materials after batching are bundled, temporarily stored, weighed and then placed on the market as products for recycling. The remainder, that is, what remains after the separation process is usually routed to alternative management or if there is no other solution to final disposal.